Good potency is a sign of male strength, which directly affects self-esteem, consequently, the quality of intimate life. Chronic stress, neurosis, lack of sleep and rest lead to intimate problems, reduced sexual performance, which depresses the man on a psychological level. Power exercises at home are a quick and easy way to increase potency and improve erection quality. Consider when physical activity is needed and which exercises are most effective for men's potency?
Who is suitable for exercises that increase power?

Of course, erection exercises are necessary for all men, regardless of age and lifestyle. Their implementation is not only the treatment, but also the prevention of impotence. Specialized training complexes focus on strengthening the muscles of the perineum, which allows you to overcome erectile dysfunction.
Indications for physical activity:
- Erectile dysfunction;
- Pathology of the genitourinary system;
- Decreased sexual desire
- premature ejaculation;
- Low resistance during intercourse.
Often the described problems are caused by impaired blood circulation, congestion in the pelvis. In the presence of these factors, physical. activity will be of significant help, increase male strength. When the reason lies in stress and nervous tension, training also helps, as it promotes the production of a hormone - serotonin - a substance that fights stress and its consequences.
When the reason for the decrease in erectile function is medication, exercises to increase potency have little effect. In this case, you need to contact your doctor who will adjust the drug treatment - replace the drug with a side effect with a similar drug that does not adversely affect sexual performance.

Exercises to improve power at home have practically no contraindications. It is recommended to refrain from physical activity against the background of exacerbation of infections of the genitourinary system, with respiratory and colds, which are accompanied by fever, fever, general malaise.
Contraindications include the inflammatory process in the pelvic area, since increased blood circulation during exercise can provoke the spread of inflammation, respectively, aggravate the state of health. Also, physical activity is not recommended for oncological processes of any localization.
Cardiovascular diseases are a relative contraindication. In this case, it would be advisable to consult a specialist doctor, since a disproportionate load can lead to complications. It is necessary to take into account such factors as the age of the man, concomitant diseases.
In obese men, there is a strong load on the heart, blood vessels, joints. If you start exercising abruptly, this leads to a deterioration in well-being. In the presence of obesity it is necessary to dose any load. If symptoms such as headache, nausea, dizziness appear, the exercise is immediately stopped.
General strengthening exercise complex

Exercises to improve power consist of two parts. These are general strengthening exercises and direct training of the PC muscle (pubic-coccygeal muscle). General strengthening exercises focus on normalizing blood flow, leveling stagnation, increasing muscle tone and endurance.
The pubococcygeus muscle is responsible for sexual potency and health. If she is strong and trained, there are no problems with the prostate, the urination process. Otherwise, a man experiences a whole host of intimate problems: premature ejaculation, weak erection, low potency and libido.
To start training the PC muscle, you first need to find that muscle. The easiest way to feel it is during urination: you have to put two fingers between the testicles and the anus and stop urinating for 2-3 seconds by tension of the same muscle. It will feel clearly under the fingers. As an alternative to research, slightly "shake" the erect penis: at this time you can clearly feel the muscle tension.
Exercises for erectile function, especially PC muscle training, have the following characteristics:
- The essence of training is alternating relaxation and tension of the PC muscle.
- You can train the pubic-coccygeal muscle while sitting, standing, lying down.
- To improve the effectiveness of the lesson, it is necessary to strain the muscle on a full exhalation, holding the breath.
- The increase in load is carried out gradually.
- During the session it is recommended to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
- All workouts are performed 120 minutes after a meal. It is forbidden to practice on an empty stomach.
During the training process, it is recommended to observe a diet: at least two liters of clean liquid should be drunk per day. During the lesson, it is not necessary to drink, as the load on the cardiovascular system increases.

Squats are effective exercises for increasing power in men. This occupation has been known since physical education classes in school years. The man stands up, his legs are shoulder-width apart. The socks of the feet should be slightly turned outwards - this allows you to reduce the load on the knee joints.
Performing the exercise, it is necessary to strain the muscles of the perineum and buttocks, trying to shift the weight back, as if a man wants to sit in a chair. In the lower position, they linger for 3-5 seconds, after which they slowly return to their original position. Start with 10 sets and one workout per day. After a week, you can increase the number of approaches up to 30-50 times.
Rotation of the pelvis
The rotation of the pelvis helps to get rid of impotence. This is a simple exercise that all members of the stronger sex can do. Helps normalize blood circulation, levels congestion in the pelvis, which increases potency. Starting position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands at waist height. Then it is necessary to rotate the pelvis: in each direction 40-50 times.
Run or walk in place

Not everyone has the opportunity to jog in the park area. Alternatively, exercise is suggested: running or walking in place. The legs should be raised as high as possible so that the knees touch the abdomen. During training, the hands also perform active movements.
It is enough to "run" for 8-10 minutes a day. In order not to get bored, you can activate an interesting video or music. With normal neighbors, running in place can be replaced by jumping rope.
Improved arch or bridge
To increase power, an exercise called improved arch is included in the complex of fortifying workouts. The man lies down on the floor, bends his knees, his arms are placed along the body. Then you need to slowly break away from the surface and lift your hips - rest your heels and palms on the floor. When lifting, the gluteal muscles are squeezed as much as possible. In this position, lock for 30 seconds, return to the starting position.
With each workout, the time to keep the hips on weight increases by 10 seconds, gradually reaching two minutes. A workout involves 5-8 approaches. More is possible, as long as you feel good.
The described series of exercises helps to increase testosterone production, relieves uncontrolled ejaculation, improves sensations during intercourse and improves sperm characteristics. Regular exercise is a good prevention of stagnation and circulatory disorders, infections of the genitourinary system and prostate cancer. To achieve the necessary effect, you need to do at least two months every day. When the situation improves, you can move on to 2-3 workouts per week.